Thomas Mitchell
Cybersecurity Engineer & Professor
Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity
10 years of industry experience
Cybersecurity college professor (5 years)
Program Details
Session 1: June 17 - 27th
Session 2: July 8 - 18th
M - Th | 12 pm - 3 pm EST (virtual)
Required Gear: Computer, Internet, Headphones & Mic, Extra Monitor (screen) highly encouraged
Work in 4 person teams with new friends
Hands on simulations & competitions (CTF’s)
Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking Program
Upperclassmen who want to improve your college application - this is your opportunity.
Underclassmen who want to master computers and the Internet - this is your community.
Cyber Arts is for absolute beginners and for those who have experience.
Over the last 3 summers, we have served over 200 students. We are excited to welcome a new group of emerging leaders to the world of Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking.
Research Projects (upperclassmen)
Technical Education: Linux, Kali Linux, Offensive Security, Defensive Security, Networking (Internet) Engineering, Threat Hunting & Data Analytics
Leadership Development & Teamwork: students form small teams with new friends to take on friendly Capture the Flags
Program Director, Thomas: learn from one of the Nation’s highest rated Cybersecurity college professors
Ted Talks: expert led talks from veterans of the United States Department of Defense along with private sector executives and entrepreneurs
Upperclassmen: Research Projects & Leadership Experience
Cyber Arts participants gain a unique differentiator amongst the thousands of applicants flooding computer science and engineering collegs each fall.
Most applications contain AP Computer Science, robotics competitions, or cybersecurity competitions. What do these applications not have? - a research project in cybersecurity.
(info on research projects discussed here)
Underclassmen: Foundation of Cybersecurity
The technical skills and theoretical knowledge gained at Cyber Arts are critical building blocks in your computer science and engineering journey.
Most coding camps ignore vital skills in computer science education and focus on block coding, Python, Java, or JavaScript. While these subjects are important, there are critical topics Cyber Arts teaches to students such as Linux, operating systems, and understanding of how the Internet actually works.
Who’s Teaching
The cybersecurity program is led by Thomas, the Program Director, who has been a professional cybersecurity engineer for 10 years.  In addition to holding a Masters Degree in Cybersecurity, Thomas has been teaching cybersecurity for the past 5 years at the college level.
Here is a message from our Program Director, Thomas:
What students say

Professor Mitchell is by far the best professor I have had at NOVA. Never met a professor who wants the students to succeed more than he does.

Thomas Mitchell will not let you down. He is the best professor that you could ever ask for. Just know if you take one of his classes - he's different. He wants you to succeed in life and he loves seeing growth within each one of his students. If he sees that you have an urge to learn he will not give up on you.

Professor Thomas is one of the best professors you can have ever. He has a world of knowledge and knows the material.